I have to share the most delish, energy packed, full-of-good fat breakfast. This gets made in our house just about every morning- it’s quick and easy.
Stasa’s breakfast fetish
1 English muffin
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter
2 teaspoons organic honey
½ banana sliced
Toast muffin and top with remaining ingredients.
Stasa’s breakfast fetish
1 English muffin
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter
2 teaspoons organic honey
½ banana sliced
Toast muffin and top with remaining ingredients.
Variation: replace the English muffin with a whole wheat tortilla, spread peanut butter and honey on tortilla and wrap around one banana.
I eat this every day too! it's my "2nd" breakfast (I eat 2 of every meal these days. But instead of an English muffin, I use whole wheat toast, and instead of honey, I gob on some raisins (apparently pregger people need more iron and dried fruit is a great way to get iron). I actually just finished today's 2nd breakfast...the plate is still in front of me. YUM!