I pressed a carton of light extra firm Nasoya tofu on Sunday since this meal was planned. I was the only one eating it and still have 2/3 of the carton left. After searching a few baked tofu recipes I came up with this marinate, no measurements.
• soy sauce
• agave nectar
• apple cider vinegar
• dash of hot sauce
• garlic powder
• ketchup
Brush this mix over sliced tofu while the oven preheats to 375 degrees. Place tofu on non-stick baking sheet and bake until golden brown. Rotating one time through it takes approximately 20 minutes total. Serve with whatever sides you’d like!

I choose Nature’s Promise bulgur quinoa and vegetable mix I found at Giant. The two paired great together and made a very satisfying dinner. Can you believe this left me so satisfied that I didn’t even want dessert? Now that’s just weird and unheard of!
This morning I ran my scheduled 2 miles from yesterday. Have I mentioned how much more fun running is with my sista? I absolutely love my Garmin! My hip however is a different story, as soon as I hit the pavement the pain started. Really?! Maybe I need to rest for real or go get an x-ray. In pain I still managed decent time:
Mile 1- 9:34
Mile 2- 9:50
During my run it dawned on me that I need to use my heart rate monitor. It syncs with the Garmin to track my heart rates, which should help during training although I’ve never tracked it in the past.
I really want to try out Jillian’s 30-Day Shred so hopefully my hip pain will go away for tomorrow. Although I know I probably shouldn’t do anything.
For breakfast I packed a breakfast cookie in my Wrap-N-Mat. And enjoyed it with some chia tea with soymilk once I got to work.

See I snuck a bite of the cookie this morning after my run :) This one was made with oats, almond butter, soymilk, stevia, and raisins.
Around 12:00 I wanted lunch, not particularly hungry but just wanted to eat something. I had a coupon for Health Valley Organic soups and today I gave it a try. The grocery store I went to (not today, I’ve been good) only had two types to choose from. I went with the vegetable since the other was chicken noodle or something like that.

Now if anyone reads my blog then you know I’m a huge fan of Amy’s soups and I don’t like cheating on her. Blame it on the coupon.
The verdict is in and I don’t think I’ll be cheating on Amy ever again. Coupon or no coupon! The soup was very bland which is to be expected with only 140 mg of sodium. Of course I realize how evil sodium is but I also enjoy eating foods with some flavor.

Thank goodness for Mary’s crackers! Now these babies are tasty :)
My hips felt stiff all morning so after lunch I walked laps in our office building. It’s a good thing I was the only one there today because surely I looked like a fool. A good pace for 15 minutes helped loosen my body. Then back to the desk I went.
Here is my afternoon snack of peach soy yogurt, blueberries, and a little bit of Kashi 7 grain puffs cereal.

Total winner!
Well on the menu for tonight is shrimp pad Thai with sugar snap peas. I’ve been looking forward to this dinner and it will taste even better since Jeff is making it.
Heading out to take Elli for a walk… bye for now!
Oh wait... I waited a while to post this and now have a picture from dinner.

While eating Jeff asked what my favorite ingredient is in pad Thai...hummm? I'd have to say peanuts! The peanuts just add another element to the dish and bring all the flavors together. Dinner was so good I had seconds!
Check back tomorrow for our Christmas cookies :) Ok Good Night for real this time.
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