On my way to Lancaster on Thursday morning I took a Larabar, an apple, and coffee since I didn’t know if breakfast would be served. Ended up eating the bar and saving my apple for Friday.

Here is the new bar I tried Thursday night after dinner. My co-workers and I were in the mood for something sweet and I opted to have this bar from the hotel’s snack shop. The ingredients sounded much healthier than the chocolate-covered pretzel ice cream that everyone else got. (sorry ladies) I had some hot tea and an apple with my granola bar. *bored eating*

Now for today…. We went shopping! I love the weekends when we have no plans and just end up poking around. Originally we were going to go cut down our Christmas tree but with the rainy/snow mix we decided to wait. Instead we went to a tile store and finally picked out back splash tile for our kitchen. We’ve been looking forever and couldn’t agree on any styles. Here are the samples we brought home, it’s a travertine style (fancy word- I’d describe as a stone look).

After the tile store we stopped by Baltimore Coffee & Tea Company for a pound of roast. I’ve been trying to drink coffee black which surprisingly taste pretty good, but I wanted a quality coffee to enjoy. Jeff and I both love Jamaican blue mountain coffee but it was $43/pd… no way. So the associate suggested this coffee which tastes similar to blue mountain. He described it as a mild, rich, full body flavor with low acidity. Sounded great to us and it was only $13/pd. I brewed some as soon as we got home and it taste perfect- great recommendation by their staff.

Here's a close up since I forgot the name.

Our next stop was the Sears Outlet. As always we needed nothing but found a good deal that we couldn’t pass up. Now we have wanted a stainless steel microwave but have put it off since we didn’t need it. As soon as we both saw this one, we didn’t even think twice and ended up buying it. Here is the Kenmore Elite stainless microwave we purchased for $99!!! It’s huge, has lots of cool functions, and was originally sold for $190. It does take up a lot of counter space but what can I say… it’s nice.

The last stop we made was the Pennsylvania Dutch Market. This market is filled with homemade crafts, furniture, and food. Of course the bakery was the first section when you walk in- very tempting but we passed up the homemade donuts and woopie pies. Instead we checked out the gorgeous furniture, sampled the fresh squeezed orange juice and almond butter, and ate lunch. There are several food stations set up around the market so Jeff and I went our separate ways in search for lunch. He met me with his pit beef sandwich and chicken wings and I found some 3-bean salad and vegetable pasta salad. Everything there is fresh, homemade, affordable, and oh so tasty.
Before we left I purchased some homemade almond butter. Almond butter is so expensive in the grocery store so I haven’t tried it until now. The lady working at the stand ground it fresh for me since I requested a smaller container than was displayed. I couldn’t have found any almond butter fresher; the container was warm when she handed it to me. I asked what went into the butter and all it was were almonds… sweet, just what I was looking for. I can’t wait to try this tomorrow with breakfast.

So good...

By the time we left the market it was snowing pretty hard. The roads were getting slick so we decided it was best to head home.
Now I need to find motivation to clean and get out the holiday decorations. With this weather I’d much rather curl up and watch a movie.
Quick update on my hip: yesterday morning I worked out on the elliptical since it was lower impact than the treadmill and it was still a little painful. It’s feeling a lot better today but I decided to take a day off and rest my body. I’d rather not hurt it worse. Tomorrow I plan on fitting in some kind of workout so we’ll see how it feels. Fingers crossed.
That’s all for now… have a great weekend!
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